
Senior Connection

"Your Key to Senior Resources"
PO Box 11929
Prescott AZ 86304
(928) 778-3747 voice
(928) 493-3687 fax

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Senior Connection

Seniors & Caregivers 
Conference & Expo

The Senior Connection, a trade organization, hosts the Seniors & Caregivers Conference & Expo each year at no cost for the benefit of the community through the support of local Member Companies that provide Seniors & Caregivers Goods and Services.

The Senior Resources Conference & Expo is presented two times a year - Live in Fall in Prescott Valley AZ and Virtually in the Spring on the Senior Connection website. Both Expos feature over 60 Senior Resource Providers Booths and Expert Presentations from Gurus in the Senior Care Sector.

The Live Fall Expo is a one-stop all day event that allows Seniors & Caregivers to meet with providers of Goods and Services of interest to them right here in the community.

The Live Fall Expo provides an opportunity to visit with representatives from a large number of companies that provide products, services and support, to help you succeed in your role as a Senior and/or Family Caregiver. Information and literature is available, and you may ask questions related to your specific needs or those of your loved ones. Whether you need help now, or are anticipating and planning for the future, the Expo provides an opportunity to become well-informed, all in one convenient location.

The Live Fall Expo will occur on the second Friday in October, from 10am-3pm. 
in the Gymnasium of Liberty Traditional School, 3300 N Lake Valley Rd, Prescott Valley. As always: Free parking & Free admission. Come for all or part of the day, as your schedule allows.

For more information, please contact